God Didn’t Make A Mistake When He Made You, You Need To See Yourself As God Sees You

You have been made in the image of Almighty God. God did not make any mistakes; you are the perfect size, you have the right personality, the right gifts, and the right looks. It says in the Psalms that you have been “fearfully and wonderfully made.” God designed you precisely for the race He laid out for you.

God made you like you are on purpose. If people are making fun of you or causing you to feel overly self-conscious, just shake it off. Don’t let their comments or actions stick to you.

When you make a mistake, God doesn’t turn away from you. He turns to you. God’s mercy is bigger than any mistake that you’ve made.

God looks on the inside. He is more pleased with somebody with a right heart that fails every once in a while than with somebody that has a wrong heart and performs perfectly all the time.

Nothing that has happened to you was a surprise to God. When He laid out the plan for your life, He already knew every person who would hurt you, every loss you would go through, and every mistake you would make.

The good news is that for every setback, God has already arranged a comeback. For every disappointment, He has a new beginning. For every failure, He’ll bring a restoration. For all the ashes, He has beauty.

You have to put your foot down and say, “That’s it. I may have been through some disappointments, and I may have made some mistakes, but I’m not going to waste the time I have left worrying about what I could have done better, bitter over what didn’t work out, or upset over who did me wrong. I’m leaving the was and I’m coming over into the is. I’m dropping the offense, dropping the self-pity, dropping the blame, dropping the failure. I’m done carrying negative baggage. I’m going to live my life free.”

Believe and declare that you are strong, you are victorious, and you are able. You’re going to accomplish dreams bigger than you imagined, overcome obstacles that look insurmountable, and reach the fullness of your destiny.

When you go out each day, represent God in a great way. Be a witness. Be a positive influence in people’s lives. If you’ll put this simple principle into action, you’ll not only make a difference in other people’s lives, but it’ll make a difference in your own life.

When God laid out the plan for your life, He knew every wrong turn you’d make, but His mercy always supersedes any mistake. When God asks you to do something that takes sacrifice, something that’s out of the ordinary, it’s because God wants to release blessings in your life that are out of the ordinary.


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