Categories: Powerful Message

God Cares About Everything That You Care About, He Is For You, And You Can Be Confident That He Will Never Leave You Or Forsake You

Don’t let the world steal your confidence. Remember that you have been created on purpose by the hand of God. He has a special, unique, wonderful plan for you. Go for it! Don’t shrink back, conform, or live in fear.

Probably one of the greatest ways we show our trust in God is by living life one day at a time. We prove our confidence in Him by enjoying today and not letting the concern of tomorrow interfere.

God cares about everything that you care about. He is for you, and you can be confident that He will never leave you or forsake

you (Hebrews 13:5).

If we learn to do everything we do because we believe it is God’s will, and we totally depend on Him for the grace (power) to be successful, we will be able to go through life confidently and without letting fear control us. We must have confidence in God before we can live our lives with confidence. He is our confidence!

God has taught me that if prayer is sincere, it doesn’t need to be eloquent or even necessarily long. God sees our hearts, and He doesn’t judge the quality of our prayers as we might think He would. He only looks at the sincerity, faith, and confidence with which we pray.

When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are handing your life over to God. You find the courage, through faith to depend completely upon God and His strength to handle the things in your life.

​This is your God-confidence and the first step in God-confidence is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

​We are told all the time that we need to be confident and self reliant. But God-confidence is not about your strength or the confidence that you put into earthly things. Having a worldly focus means putting your confidence into things like money, status, people, and appearance.  Having a Godly focus means to seek your confidence from your relationship with God.

​With Jesus in your heart, you will be able to face your fears and understand His purpose for you. You got this!

Prayer for Confidence:

God, I want to be more confident. I’ve been struggling with self-doubt and ask You to forgive me for not focusing on You. I pray that whenever fear-based feelings rise up within me, You would help me reject them through the power of Your Word. I am capable of all things in Christ. And I choose today to believe I can do all You’re calling me to do, including [say what’s on your mind].

Lord, thank You for loving me unconditionally, and for guiding me to pursue Your amazing plans for me. I am powerful when I put my trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


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