Put God first every day and make Him your first priority. Give God the first part of your day and see how much better your day goes! Christ is the center of all things he is the first and the most important thing in our lives. God always needs to be first in all things in our time in our conversation in our thoughts in our actions.
Proverbs 3:6 says acknowledge God in all of your ways not some of your ways not just the big things. If you’ll start acknowledging God in all of your ways, he will crown your efforts with success that means when you get up in the morning acknowledge God good morning Lord I love you today Lord.
The key to living a life filled with God’s blessings and favor is to keep God in first place in your life. When you put God first and make it your highest priority to please Him, you can expect a blessed, fulfilled life.
You may have given up, but God doesn’t give up. He’s about to give your dreams, your health, and your relationships a new lease of life. There will be a stirring, a new passion, and a new thrill in you. That’s God resurrecting what He’s implanted within you.
When you keep God first place, He will shift you into a higher gear, and you’ll see opportunity like you’ve never seen before. If you’ll keep putting God first place, His blessings will chase you down. His favor will come looking for you.
God has blessed me because I’ve made it a goal to seek him to please him to honor him. I need you in my life when you show that kind of dependency on God there is nothing he won’t do for you God will move heaven and earth to get you to where you’re supposed to be.
God wants us to have many enjoyable things, but He must be first place in our lives. God can give us joy without things, but things without God will never give us joy.
We need to always put God first, and let God give us what He wants us to have, which will be much more than we can ever get on our own. When we keep God in first place, everything else falls into place!
One of the beautiful things about life in Christ is that every day is a new beginning—a fresh start. We don’t have to regret yesterday or dread tomorrow. We can celebrate today, thankful for God’s presence in the moment.
You can’t wait for peace to fall on you. You have to get up every day and say, “Today I will be peaceful. I would like my circumstances to be great, but God, if they’re not, I’m setting my mind ahead of time that I am going to remain peaceful.”
Putting God first and letting Him guide our choices, decisions and steps is one of the best decisions we can ever make. With Christ and His Word as our compass, He makes everything clear. It affects our mood and how we interact with people.
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