Give All Your Worries And Cares To God, For He Cares About You

God desires to take care of whatever may be concerning you today. He invites you to give your worries and cares to Him simply because He loves you!

How do you give Him your cares? The best way to handle your worries is to hand them to Jesus. Give Him all your concerns; you have no control over them anyway. Put them at His feet and trust that He will take care of you.

If you have fear about something, say out loud, “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”

If you have sickness in your body, declare, “By His stripes I am healed.”

As you meditate on the truth and focus your heart and mind on the heavenly Father, those cares and concerns will disappear.

Give God your hurts and pains, and then receive the beauty He has in store for you.

Give Him your past. Let it go. It’s better in the hands of God. Don’t worry and fret. Don’t let a negative season of your life define your life. God doesn’t allow it to define you, and neither should you. He’s not thinking that way, and neither should you.

Then, thank Him for giving you peace and joy. Thank Him for working in your life.

As you keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, give Him your worries and cares and get ready for the blessing He has for your future!

So often, the things we want to see changed in our lives are beyond our control anyway. God is saying today, “Stop worrying. Stop stressing. Give Me your cares and concerns, and I will take care of you.”

Every day we have the opportunity to cast our cares and surrender our worries to God. The choice is ours. He is willing to take our frustration and pain and exchange it for His joy! Are you willing to let it go?

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Father in heaven, I come to You today casting my cares on You. I make the decision to put my faith in Your Word and know that You are at work for me. I give You all the praise and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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