Trying to figure everything out before you obey God will steal your joy. God doesn’t have to answer you when you ask, “Why God, why?”
Trust means that you won’t always have answers when you want them. To see the big picture of what God is doing in your life, you sometimes only have to get to the other side of a circumstance.
You may find yourself in new ground if you follow God’s plan for your life. Though you may lack experience, God doesn’t. He will equip you for what He’s called you to!
God may be trying to separate you from some influence in your life that is keeping you from receiving the better plan He has for you. He could be “pruning” you in order to promote new, healthier development (see John 15:1–8). Use difficult moments to show your faith by believing God.
Some of our greatest problems have the simplest answers if we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Every time you release an area of your life to Him, every time you choose to follow God’s Word over the temptations of the world, you are experiencing true, everlasting freedom!
When God’s people really begin to study His Word, they’re going to see breakthrough in their life. They will feel God’s power grow stronger in their lives. In the person of Jesus, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And we must recognize how valuable and precious His Word is to us.
Forget about rules and regulations in your walk with God. He wants to lead and guide you through the Holy Spirit in unique and exciting ways…all you have to do is follow.
God is trying to get through to some individuals today about being more conscious of what He wants you to do, the timing of things, and not just making decisions on the spur of the moment.
More than ever, our world needs to see and experience the love and goodness of God, people who will love unconditionally and take time to help. We must be people who are willing to open our hearts of compassion and follow God’s divine flow of love in order to be special.
Life is lived one day at a time. Making excellent choices today is the best way to prepare for tomorrow. God will steer your way if you follow His guidance in your heart.
When a door in your life closes, be thankful. It may seem discouraging, but God has something better in mind for you. That disappointment could be a sign from God! Thank God that He will lead you to where you are supposed to be.
For every decision you face, you really only have two choices: God’s way or any other way. Choose His way and experience His blessing today.
Sometimes we can get frustrated because we are trying to force things to happen on our own timetable. Trust God’s timing. Be still and know that He is God.
Follow God’s leading. His plans are always for your good; to give you a hope and a future!
Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for Your Holy Spirit and for helping me along the way as I learn to trust completely in You and not have to know why before stepping out.
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