Every Morning When You Get Up, Or Even Before You Get Up, Whisper To Yourself, “Something Good Is Going To Happen To Me Today”

If you’re hurting today, doubting if things will ever get better. . . get your hopes up!

If you’re just getting by in life, going through the motions but asking if there is anything more . . . get your hopes up!

If you’re raising children, wondering what life has in store for them… get your hopes up!

If you’re starting out on an exciting new adventure, risking more than you’ve ever risked before… get your hopes up!

Life can be just as good or even better than before if we have to let some things go. Everything is for a season, and when the season is over, don’t keep holding on to what is no longer beneficial to you.”

Everything is for a season, and when the season is over, don’t keep holding on to what is no longer beneficial to you.

“That’s it. I’m not gonna live with a negative attitude anymore. I’m not gonna expect something bad to happen. I am gonna believe that something good is going to happen to me.”

Our attitude should be… “I’m going through something really difficult, but I believe this is going to end well. I’m hurting right now, but I’m going to bounce back. God works all things out for the good of those who love Him.”

God has a great life planned for you, and even though you may be feeling like that it’ll never come, Joyce wants to encourage you to keep believing and stay in faith all the way through!

Did you get up this morning ready to embrace and enjoy the day? Too many people allow their circumstances to dictate their attitude. They don’t realize that their attitude is a choice they make every day. The Bible tells us to constantly “be made new in the attitude of our mind” (Ephesians 4:23).

Everyone makes mistakes in life. Everyone falls. When you fall, don’t see yourself as a failure; see yourself as a learner. When you know better, you do better. Get up and keep pressing forward towards the victory.

Get up every day and remind yourself that the Creator of the universe chose you, and you are valuable to Him. Don’t let your mistakes, failures, or other people talk you out of who you are.

Today, focus on what’s right in your life. Some things may be difficult, and you may want to change some things, but when you set your mind in the right direction, it’s easier to see the God-given opportunities on your path.

Today I pray for those who feel overwhelmed. You weren’t designed to live in worry. In difficult times, cast your cares on the Lord because He cares for you. Trust that He holds your future in the palm of His mighty and capable hand.


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