We will never change the world by going to church. We will only change the world by being the church. You are the church, the dwelling place of God’s presence. Let it manifest through you!
Don’t wait until Sunday to worship, thank Him, and seek His presence. He’s already living inside of you — when you receive Christ into your heart.
Open your eyes. Open your heart. Open your life. Look for the opportunity to do the little things. The little things are the big things, and through them…through us…God changes the world. One act at a time. Glory to JESUS!!!
I thank God every day for me not being where I used to be. The hope & healing in Jesus really changed my way of thinking which changed my life. He gave me a new heart!!! A new HOPE! This is available to you today, call out to Him.
The simple fact you woke up this morning is a significant miracle. Life alone should fill your heart with joy. However, I know appreciating life isn’t the easiest thing. I know joyfully embracing life as the gift it truly is – isn’t the case for everyone.
Some of us don’t enjoy our lives right now? Right…. because stuff is tough. Regardless of how hard life feels – or seems in this current moment. Remain confident that God has started a good work in you and He will surely finish it.
Thank God for gifting you with this day, and your gift back to Him is giving Him back this day.
God’s not in the luck business. God has done, and wants to do good things for you. But not by luck, but by His grace and favor.
He has to giving you many blessings which is found in His son Jesus. He’s not stopping there — there’s much more as you seek Him for who He is and not merely what He can do for you.
God is wonderful beyond comparison, and being in His presence is incomparable. As you seek His heart, you will find that His hand is always open. If you only seek His hand you will insult His heart.
Ask God for anything you want or need and if it is best for you, in His timing, He will give it to you. But always remember that, more than
God is everything and we are nothing without Him. Jesus said, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
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The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave…
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