Categories: Joyce Meyer Message

DON’T GIVE UP! God Will Take Care Of You

God is saying today, “Stop worrying. Stop stressing. Give Me your cares and concerns, and I will take care of you.”

When things seem beyond our control, it’s easy to try to do more to make an impact. But really, God wants us to put our trust in Him and listen to the still, small voice within. Do your best, and let God take care of the rest.

Trust God so much that you don’t have to know everything. Real trust is knowing God knows and trusting He will take care of you.

It doesn’t matter what people have spoken over you. If you’ll keep taking steps of faith & honoring God, He will take you places that you’ve never dreamed of before.

God is the potter and we are the clay. All of us have flaws and weaknesses. At times, it feels like we’re broken, but if you will stay in faith and not get bitter, not get down on yourself, God will take your broken pieces and use them to make you into something better, stronger and more beautiful than before.

If you can understand everything, have the time, the money and it’s all lined up, that doesn’t really take any faith. God will ask you to do things that seem far out, unusual or not practical. With every act of obedience, there is a blessing attached to it. That’s what faith is all about.

If you will be confident in what God has given you, He can take what looks like little and turn it into much. The Scripture even says, “Don’t despise the day of small beginnings.”

The way we respond in difficult times will determine if we get stuck or move forward towards our destiny. Shake off any defeat mindset and get back up, keep believing and walk by faith knowing that God will make it up to you.

God didn’t create you to keep everybody happy. Do what you can, but don’t become a garbage dump where somebody is always burdening you with their problems. That’s out of balance. Recognize that’s a peace stealer. You have to take care of your emotional energy. You have a limited supply each day. I’m not saying to be selfish; I’m saying be wise. You can’t fix everyone.

God will never take you someplace where He won’t sustain you. When you relinquish control and say, “God, I trust You,” you’ll experience peace during the storm.

God will never ask you do to something and not give you the power to do it. Whatever test you are facing, you have the grace to pass it.

God will take care of you, He is the God who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:20.

God hears our prayers and wants us to pray continuously. No matter where you are, present your requests to Him with gratitude and see what happens!

I pray that you will set aside the next year to pursue God with a thankful heart. Don’t go through your life frustrated, miserable, and unhappy; God has something much better in store for you.

Live each day with a thankful heart, grateful for every good thing— no matter how big or how small—that God has done in your life. As you begin to remember the good things God has done in your past and realize the blessings you have in the present, you can’t help getting excited about what He is going to do in your future.


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