If you are reading this, know that unexpected blessings are coming your way. You will move forward from barely making it to having more than enough. God is going to open supernatural doors for you. Claim this over your life today…
Just a reminder for someone out there today! God is your perfection, not your spouse. God is your provider, not your job. God is your peace, not your possessions. God is your joy, not entertainment. God is your strength, not your body shape. God is your lead, not the President. God is your love, not your passions.
When we focus on God, it is much easier to follow Him. Jesus fixed His eyes on God so He was able to endure the pain of dying on the cross for our sins. When we take our eyes off God, it becomes much more difficult to live in a way that pleases and honours Him.
God wants you and me to live blessed lives. He loves us so much, and He has given us the keys to access His blessing. In Psalm chapter one, He tells us that it’s important who we hang around and who we allow to speak into our lives. It’s important who influences the decisions we make.
What does it mean to be blessed? It means that you are supernaturally empowered to do whatever God has called you to do and to be whoever God has called you to be. God’s blessing is His empowerment!
God’s going to do special things for you. When we make someone else’s day, we’re saying, “God, thank you for making my day.” Because when you make someone else’s day, God will make your day. When God sees you blessing others, He blesses you, and there are no blessings to compare to the blessings of Almighty God.
Every day is a new day with God. His mercies are fresh every morning, regardless of where you find yourself or the difficulties you may be going through. God is by your side. He is always offering us a new beginning and a fresh start.
Remember, you are somebody’s miracle today. You have the power to change someone’s life through a smile, an encouraging word, an act of kindness, or a gift. You are blessed to be a blessing.
Be determined to let the Word of God be your standard so you can honor Him and live the blessed life He has prepared for you!
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