Categories: Baby's Story

Cute Photos Show A Nigerian Couple Celebrating The First Birthday Of Their Adorable Quintuplets

A Nigerian woman, Oluwakeмi Funмilayo Aмinu and her husband Mark Iмudia Uduehi celebrated the first birthday of their birth group recently. The children were reported to be born in Abuja when Uduehi, from Ekpoмa in the Esan West Local Govern Area, was unemployed and his wife worked for the Nigerian Population Organization Abuja.

Speaking to reporters at the time of their birth a year ago, Uduehi expressed happiness at the arrival of their babies and made a plea for help from intelligent and well-meaning Nigerians. good will.

He expressed his joy and gratitude to God for walking these healthy children, but he also acknowledged that this orange has a huge responsibility because raising this child is not easy. However, he is begging Nigerians for management, good will and business organizations to support the family raising the kids. For her part, Ms. Oluwakemi expressed happiness for safe delivery and added that she gave birth naturally.

She said that I work as a construction worker for the Population Association of Nigeria in Abuja and her husband is currently looking for work. Because that was all we could afford, we both lived in a disabled condominium in Lugbe.

But now that God has given us children, they will surely require a bigger apartment and money to fit their needs, especially to buy baby food and clothes. Congratulations on the first birthday of the group born in the year!

Uduehi was held a position at the Nigeria Road and Construction Research Institute (NBRRI), Abuja, by the federal government. Under the Federal Integrated Employee Housing Plan (FISH), the couple was also allocated a three-story cottage in one of the communities.

Nguyen Hang

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