Categories: Powerful Message

Come To Me, All Of You Who Are Weary And Carry Heavy Burdens, And I Will Give You Rest

God cares for you. Do you believe that? Really. God cares. He’s very much aware of everything you’re going through. God never guarantees us a life free from pain and suffering, instead He promises us that whatever we face, He’s gonna be with us, and He will carry us through.

God hears. He hears every unspoken prayer in your heart. Even those times when you’re hurting too much and you can’t utter any word and all you can do is cry. “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:3

God sees. He sees the pain you’ve been hiding behind that forced smile in the middle of the crowd. He sees every drop of your tears that fell on that pillow.

Today, you may not hear Him. You may not feel Him. But He is with you every step of the way. In the darkness night He is just a whisper away. In the silent seasons, He is comforting you in His loving Hands. You don’t face your trials alone. You don’t walk through the valley alone. You are His beloved child. He will never leave you. He will never ignore you. He will never forsake you. He loves you and you are His.

God comforts. He’s not just aware of your struggles, but He’s willing to take away all the burden and give you rest. He doesn’t just see your tears but He’ll wipe them and replace them with overflowing joy. He doesn’t just know your heart is broken but He’s willing to make it whole again. And even in the midst of our miserable moments when you feel alone, He was with you.

He wants to engage and comfort us in the places we hurt the most. Cry out to Him and He will bear all of your burdens (Matthew 11:28, 1 Peter 5:7).

The problem is we don’t really believe that God will take care of our problems and meet our needs. We’re often impatient, and we want our problems solved immediately – in our own way.

Scripture tells us, though, that our Heavenly Father is most able to meet all of these needs (Philippians 4:19), but too often we listen to our enemy who wants us to believe differently.

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” — Jesus // Matt.11:28.

Trust the Lord with ALL of your heart today. He’s always waiting for you to come to Him.


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