Joel Osteen Message

I’M PROUD To Be A Child Of The MOST HIGH God

You are a child of God. And nothing can ever change that—nothing you’ve done, nothing you’ve said — no questions,…

2 năm ago

Give God Your Weakness, And He Will Give You His Strength

At times I don't like the fact that I'm weak. More than often I fear my weaknesses -- I forget…

2 năm ago

Thank You God For Blessing Me Much More Than I Deserve, Amen!

You are blessed, prosperous, redeemed, forgiven, talented, creative, disciplined, focused, confident, secure, equipped, empowered, anointed, accepted, approved, not average, not…

2 năm ago

Be Inspired By This Message From Joel Osteen, “The Moment You Prayed”

“As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you…

2 năm ago

Speak This Over Your Pain, “Whatever It Is, God’s Grace Is Sufficient”

God is so good that even our weakness is an opportunity for renewal to take place. An opportunity to grab…

2 năm ago

Were Both Of Joel Osteen’s Mother And Father Also Pastors? Or They Had A Different Career?

At this point, pretty much everyone knows who Joel Osteen is and what he represents. He’s an American pastor based…

2 năm ago

My Day Is Better When I Talk To God First

Mark these words! And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into…

2 năm ago

If God Can Turn Night Into Day, Trust That He Can Turn Your Burdens Into Blessing

How are you today? All things work together for your good. Hang in there, will you? Let the testing of…

2 năm ago

I May Not Know What God Has Planned, But I Know His Plan Never Fails

Faith means believing that the blessing of God never fails to follow obedience, no matter the sacrifice. Are there any…

2 năm ago

Here Are 5 Quick Facts About Joel And Victoria Osteen’s Daughter Alexandra Osteen

Alexandra Osteen is Joel and Victoria Osteen's only child. Alexandra's parents, unlike many other celebrities, have no links to the…

2 năm ago