Categories: Powerful Message

Bring Jesus Your Burdens And Accept His Peace

God desires our trust. He wants to engage and comfort us in the places we hurt the most. Cry out to Him and He will bear all of your burdens (Matthew 11:28, 1 Peter 5:7).

The problem is we don’t really believe that God will take care of our problems and meet our needs. We’re often impatient, and we want our problems solved immediately – in our own way. Trust the Lord with ALL of your heart today.

God is working. He is in it — all of it. Even the broken pieces — redeeming what was lost. Trust the process. Saturate your mind with His truth. Soak in the precious blood of Jesus you’ll find peace there.

And let His voice be the loudest in your life — His voice will lead you home. Allow His grace to keep you, because He longs to lead you.

God’s love, which is deeper than a bottomless sea — His love knows you and set you apart before the day you were even born. His love has sustained you through your toughest days and your darkest nights.

Jesus was possessed by God’s love. If His love carried Him it will certainly carry you through whatever it is life has you walking through. God insisted that His one and only son should leave heaven to go to the rugged cross and pass through the grave in order to bring us back home to Himself.

God’s wants to bear your burdens right now. Give all your broken pieces to Him – He’ll restore you, and make all things new. Be joyful in Hope, Faithful in affliction, and steadfast in prayer.

God is with you, watching over you constantly. His Presence enfolds you in radiant Love. Nothing, including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, can separate you from God.

He knows precisely what you need to draw nearer to Him. Go through each day looking for what He has prepared for you. Accept every event as His hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful. Do not reject any of Gods gifts; find Him in every situation.

The Bible tells us that there’s a time and season for everything under the sun. I’m so thankful we have a promise that frees us from difficult times!  Things may get worse before they get better, but we know, at some point….. We can confidently rejoice because things will get better — eventually if not now in eternity!  Not only that, but while in the midst of the storm, we may cry, complain, blame, or be in the depths of despair. But the beautiful thing about it is that Jesus is always near — and He proves His faithfulness to us every all the time.

Don’t forget this today: In our worst moments we can still have hope, peace, and even joy!

Pain is only temporary but God’s love is eternal. If you are in a tough season, this too shall pass. There may have been mourning through the night but joy comes in the morning.


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