God gives us new hope, think about that.
As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ the scripture teaches us that we are made new – the old has gone and the new has come. So what is it that changes when we let Jesus into our hearts? When we are forgiven, we are given a second chance, we are truly blessed by God with the chance for a new beginning.
And with a new beginning and the realization that you are loved by God, now you are given another gift, new hope! What a true blessing it is to have hope within and beyond this life.
To know that every day in this life you step with God. To step more lightly with a peaceful mind and a trusting heart.
When your faith is strong you trust deeply in the assurance of God’s love for you. Knowing that if you do what God ask’s of you and follow him with all of your heart, mind and soul your path through this life will be His to guide.
God will deliberately put us in situations where we need to come up higher. The right approach is, “If God has me here, I must need it.” Choose to keep a good attitude, knowing that you’re being refined and coming out more valuable.
You’re supposed to go further than the people who raised you. You’re supposed to live better, be more successful and set a new standard. Don’t let external factors keep you from your destiny.
God will give you strength when you think you can’t go on. He will give you joy when you should be discouraged. He can make a way when it looks impossible.
God gives us strength for every battle! He takes us from strength to strength and glory to glory. That doesn’t mean you’re never going to fail. Oftentimes, strength is built in the getting back up. The presence of God is powerful! It gives us peace, joy, strength, and so much more. Enter His presence today with thanksgiving and praise!
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