Be Inspired By This Message, “The God Who Goes Before You”

Are you facing a mountain today? Whatever is trying to stop you, whether it’s a mountain of debt, sickness, or depression, it’s no match for our God.

God told the Israelites in Isaiah 45:2 “I will go before you and level the mountains.” Joel will show you how the Most High God is going before you today and fighting your battles.

Forgive those who hurt you. God will pay you back with double the joy, double the victory.

Are you living worried, stressed out, trying to figure out how your situation is going to work out? The good news is that you aren’t alone. “Trust Me,” God is saying. I’ve got you covered. I know exactly where you are and where you’re headed.” That mountain will become level ground with just a smidgeon of His favor.

Are you telling God everything that’s wrong with you, how you’ve made too many mistakes, how you don’t deserve to be blessed? “God, I blew it again. I just don’t measure up. I don’t know how You could ever love me.”  Can I tell you, that’s wasting your breath.

You’re not worthy because of what you did or didn’t do; you’re worthy because of what Jesus did. You don’t have to go to God and try to convince Him to forgive you and convince Him that you’re good enough.

The God who breathed life into you, the God who called you out, set you apart and crowned you with favor is a more-than-enough God, a running-over God, an abundant God. Have the boldness to ask big.

It may look impossible, but God can do the impossible. Just because you don’t see anything happening doesn’t mean God is not working.

If you could see the plan for your life on a map it wouldn’t be a straight line—there are stepping stones, curves, and detours that are all part of the path to your destiny. Stay the course.

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

My challenge today is quit looking back. Get out of the was and come over into the is. God wants to do something new, but you have to let go of the old. Don’t hold on to things that are going to poison your life. Focus your energies on letting go of what lies behind.



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