Be Inspired By This Message, “God Is Bigger Than People Think”

God is stronger than people think! Do you believe that? God is your strength to help you in all that you do and you can rely on Him with everything.

God’s plan for your life is not dependent on your circumstances, your doubts, or even your feelings — His plan is so much bigger than those things.

You may be up against a giant today. But like David in the Bible, don’t focus on how big your giant is; focus on how big your God is!

God is bigger than your lost opportunities. He can still get you where you need to be in life.

God said He would do exceedingly abundantly above what we could ask, think, or imagine. The question is, “Are you asking, thinking, and imagining big enough?” Dream big today.

A grateful life is a big life! When you are grateful, you can see things that you can’t when you are negative. Enlarge your vision by thanking God for what He will do in your future

I want to encourage you today, don’t put your life on hold while you are waiting for something big from God. Every day we all have things to do and relationships to tend to. There is life out there to live while you are waiting for your appointed time!

What God has in store for you is bigger than you can imagine, more rewarding, more fulfilling. Instead of going around frustrated because of what’s not happening, turn it around and say, “Father, thank You for the blessings You’ve already set up. Thank You for the favor, the promotion, the healing, the good breaks that You’ve already ordained to come across my path.”

When you live in faith, expecting God’s goodness, there are moments of favor that you’ll come into suddenly. You didn’t see it coming. There wasn’t any sign of it. But suddenly, a good break. Suddenly, you meet the right person. Suddenly, the paperwork goes through. It’s one of those blessings that God has already set up.

No matter how difficult the circumstances may seem around you, don’t give up! God is for you, and He is bigger than any trouble you may be facing.

“Thank You, Father, that You give me the strength to never quit. I am grateful that You are always with me and that You fight my battles. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”

Declare today, “No matter what is happening around me, God is bigger than my circumstances. He’s more powerful than anything in the world.

He is the source of my joy and strength, and I will put my trust in Him!” Things will start to change once you begin to move your gaze away from your circumstances and place your hope in Him. You will be unique, and your circumstances will be viewed in a new light.

When you trust in the Lord, you’ll be empowered by His strength. Because you have a base that cannot be changed and will never fade away, your self-assurance will surge. Today, put your trust in the Lord so you can have hope that is secure for all eternity!


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