Be Inspired By This Message From Joyce Meyer, “Fall In Love With God”

When we love God more and let Him love us more, we automatically do things that please Him. When you let God give you a new beginning, and you see how amazingly awesome He is, it’s just going to make you fall in love with Him even more.

God’s grace and love, and the freedom it offers, never entices us to sin more, but it does entice us to fall radically in love with Jesus.

When we love someone, we want to spend time with that person. One way we express our love for God is to prioritize spending time with Him. I like to think of it as keeping a daily appointment with Him, an appointment that is more important than anything else I have to do that day.

We are called to love. Jesus said, that we should love God and then love others as we love ourselves. That can be easy sometimes to love the lovable, but what about those who get on our nerves or are difficult to love?

You need to know that you’re loved! If you believe that God loves you then you can begin to love yourself and then you can begin to love other people. And you can have healthy, good relationships and you can enjoy your life.

No matter what situation you find yourself in, you can choose to operate in love. You are never more like God than when you are walking in love.

The only way we can walk in love is to first allow the love of God into our lives. If we want to love well, it is all sourced from our relationship with Jesus Christ.

We love because He first loved us! We need to let that foundation of love be built into our lives so there is a well of continuous love that can flow out of us.

Our love should have wisdom. Our love should see beyond the superficial. Our love should be smart and thoughtful. Love doesn’t wait for things to happen. Love builds relationships. Love serves, and it doesn’t just give what it wants to give. Love is willing to give what is needed. Love is sacrificial.

Too many people think that God is mad at them. Know this: God is not mad at you; He’s madly in love with you! His arms are open and outstretched toward you today. Meditate on the fact that God is smiling down on you! He’s not mad at you; He’s madly in love with you.

I love that with God, the old things pass away and the new things come. Keep pressing forward, keep releasing the past, and embrace the victory God has in store for your future.

When you receive God’s love, it sets you free from any kind of feelings of inferiority and insecurity. Know that God is not mad at you; He is madly in love with you! Let His love flow through you to impact others around you.

Expect the extraordinary today! God wants to surprise you with His love and overwhelm you with His goodness. He is longing to be good to those who seek after Him!


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