Be Inspired By This Message From Joel Osteen, “God Will Always Be There For You”

No Matter How We Feel, God’s Faithfulness Doesn’t Change

Even when we feel completely alone, we have a heavenly Father who will never leave us or forsake us (Joshua 1:9). This means that no matter what we feel, He is always near.

There are times where your faith alone will not be enough. You will need a friend with faith: someone to stand with you when your faith is weak, to believe for you when you’re too discouraged, to lift you when you can’t get up. If you’ll be a friend with faith, then God will make sure there will always be someone there to help you and your children.

Why am I so passionate about Jesus?

Because I know what it’s like to not have Him in my life.

I know what it’s like to be: ⁣ Emotionally empty, Unhappy and lacking purpose⁣,  Living a sinful lifestyle ,  Partying and not taking care of my body,  Being in emotionally abusive relationships., Living for myself and not for God ….And on and on.⁣..

That is why my focus and my life is dedicated to glorifying God with my life, projects, movies, Project Inspired and mission.

He loves you so much and if He can redeem me and my past, and save me from my poor choices, He can redeem anyone I believe.

If someone in your life is not walking with the Lord, pray for them and continue to show them God’s love. The seeds your planting can bloom later on in God’s timing. What’s your story?

In moments when we feel we are on our own, we can either run from Him or to Him. May it be our goal to let every situation and emotion in life push us toward Him.

No matter what you face, you’re never walking alone when you’re walking with God. Also, remember that many times, God uses people to surround us with His love and care because we’re not meant to do life alone.

Perhaps today, you don’t feel like you have the strength to move forward, the strength to fight the illness, the strength to raise your children. Remember, when you are weak, He is strong. I believe, right now, God is breathing special strength into you.

God is reenergizing you with fresh passion, fresh vision. You will run and not be weary; you will walk and not faint.

There are moments in life when it looks like the doors of healing, abundance, freedom have been shut for us. But, keep believing because God is your door keeper and He will open them at the right time.

When your power ends, God’s power is only beginning. When you’re weak, that’s when He is strong in you! Rise up in faith and hope because God is at work in you.

Everyone faces challenges and difficulties in life. If you are going through a valley today, know that you are not alone. God is with you!

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