Be Inspired By This Message From Joel, “All in God’s Timing”

You may feel afraid, but you don’t have to be afraid. You can keep going forward with your knees shaking and heart pounding and say, “God is with me. He will never leave me nor forsake me, and I am going to do everything that I need to do. I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Psalm 118:6).

This world is a fast, go-go place where people want things “my way, in my time and for my life.” Many people believe that the world will provide them with whatever they desire, and that it is up to them to take it. That, however, is just not the case. Yes, you are called to action, and you must go out and live your life, but God has blessings in store for you if you will be patient and wait.

You might plan your entire life, from beginning to end, yet the Bible teaches that the Lord, not you, chooses your paths. Give yourself over to Him, and wait patiently for the Lord’s benefits!

I encourage you to believe for things that are so big that they take God’s favor, blessings and divine intervention to make them a reality.

No matter what comes your way, you have to believe you will see God’s goodness again. You must believe you will see God turn it around. Believe you will see God open up new doors.

If it’s happened for you once; it can happen for you again. You’ve seen God’s goodness in the past, and you’ll see it again in the future.

God wants to restore your sense of value. He wants to fill you with hope. He wants you to know that He loves you more than you can imagine.

A Prayer for Today – “God, help me not to be impatient, but to wait upon You and what You want to bless me with. Give me the courage to resist the world’s way of life, knowing that You have carefully planned each of my steps. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”


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