Amen! When You Can’t Trace GOD’S Hand, Trust His Heart

GOD doesn’t need to move storms to protect you. In fact, HIS Glory is revealed when you know HIS Hand had covered you in the midst of a storm.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in The Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him and he will make your crooked paths straight.

This is one of my favorite versus for moments of mystery. GOD does tell you not to have your own understanding. HE simply said, do not rest your decisions (lean) there.

You may not know what’s going on around you. But, rest assured, HE knows,  and you are HIS child, purchased at a cost. That’s all you need to know.

Moments of mystery crate opportunities for you to demonstrate your trust in GOD. Do not despise mystery. GOD got you out before. HE will do it again. Trust HIS Heart.

GOD does not have a “Plan B”.  HE is seeking people who will Trust in HIS leading rather than react to their circumstance.

“Plan A” people push until the vision is manifested, with no contingencies. Faith doesn’t deny opposition, it simply overcomes it. GOD is seeking “Plan A” people.

We all have things we’re waiting on: waiting on a dream to come to pass, waiting for our health to improve, waiting to meet the right person.

We know God put the promise in our heart, but we wonder why it’s taking so long. When is it ever going to happen? The scripture says, “There is an appointed time for the promise to be fulfilled.” If there’s a right time that means any other time is the wrong time. If you don’t understand that God will always be right on time, then the delays, the detours, the waiting periods will cause you to be frustrated. It’s not enough to just trust God; you have to trust His timing.

Hebrews 4:16 encourages us to approach God “boldly” so we can receive mercy and grace. When you do, you’ll see God’s hand of favor guide you to the best path for your life.

You have the power right now to live a joy-filled, faith-filled, peace-filled life. But you need this mindset, “God, I know You hold me in the palm of Your hand. I know You have my best interests at heart, so God, I’m totally trusting You.”


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