Categories: Baby's Story

After 19 Miscarriages, Mom Gives Birth To Healthy 14-Pound Baby

Cary and Tim Patonai were expecting a large baby. But the Arizona couple got the surprise of their life when their son Finnley was born two weeks early, weighing 14 pounds, 1 ounce — about double the size of an average newborn. He was 23.75 inches tall, which was also tall.

“The doctor and one of the sweetest nurses there, they were all taking selfies with us, they asked permission of course, but they were just so pumped,” Cary said.

“The OB/GYN who performed the C-section said that in 27 years he had never seen a newborn that size. There was so much excitement in the delivery.”

There were also big emotions. Cary experienced 19 heartbreaking miscarriages in the course of growing her family, including two between the birth of her second son and Finnley.

“Two of the miscarriages were sets of twins,” Cary revealed. “It was was traumatic for the whole family — especially our oldest child. Each loss would break his little heart.”

Finnley’s older brothers, Devlen, 10, and Everett, 2, were also born via C-section, but they were delivered on schedule.

“They were born at 8.2 pounds and 11.1 pounds, but Finnley took the lead,” Patonai said..

Finnley would have weighed approximately 16.5 pounds if he had been born on his due date, according to Cary’s physicians. The average full-term baby (39 to 40 weeks gestation) weighs between 6 and 9 pounds, according to the American Pregnancy Association.

Due to his size,Patonai said her family had to run out and buy larger diapers and clothes to dress Finnley.

“He is so big compared to what they are used to, they had to special order his size 2 diapers because they only carry sizes preemie to newborn and size 1,” Patonai said.

Cary and Tim can’t stop staring at their sweet bundle of joy.

“Our family is finally complete,” Cary said. “He’s absolutely perfect.”

“He is such a good sweet baby. I am so grateful everything ended on such a great positive side,” she added.

A 22 pound, 8 ounce child born in 1955 in Aversa, Italy, holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest infant to survive infancy. Joy Buckley, a New Yorker, gave birth to a daughter in 2019 who weighed 15 pounds, 5 ounces.


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