God Is My Rock, My Refuge, My Comforter, God Is My All

Don’t run from God; turn to God. He is always there to give us another chance. God is full of love and mercy.

Don’t let fear hold you back when you make a mistake. There is freedom when you confess your faults to Him; He always wants to hear from you. Go to Him and allow His love to renew and restore you today.

God is always talking. The question is: are we always listening? Take time to hear His still, small voice. Tune out the distractions of life because God has something wonderful to say to you.

When life feels broken, remember, God is the one who wants you mended. He wants to heal your hurts and be the lifter of your head! Look to Him and let Him wrap you in His love.

We don’t always see what God is doing until we are on the other side looking back. Keep believing, keep hoping, keep speaking His truth because in due time, it will all become clear.

We talk a lot about trusting God, but can God trust you? Can He count on you to be uncomfortable, to go through seasons that you don’t understand and still have an attitude of faith? That’s what God is looking for.

I will ashamed of my faith or my relationship with God. God is my rock, my refuge, my comforter. God is my all.

God is always the same and He is the rock we can stand on, the rock that never moves. Everything around us might be shifting and changing, but God is always the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

The promises of God are for whosoever will; whoever is willing to do what God tells them to do can have whatever God says they can have.

Each moment that we’re given is a precious gift from God. We can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy, simply because God is good and He has given us much to be thankful for.

You have a great God who loves you and cares about you. Be full of hope that something good can happen to you. God is a master at new beginnings. He loves fresh beginnings, He makes all things new.

We all have a heart of compassion that God wants to work through, and it can either be open or shut. If it is shut off, God’s love cannot flow out of it. But if we’re going to live the abundant life that God has given us, we need to stir up our heart of compassion and say, “God, open my heart and my eyes to see the people who need my love today.”

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