Looking for quotes about God’s mercy and grace? We’ve gathered the best God’s mercy quotes, sayings, bible verses, prayers, captions, and messages to help us be grateful for God’s almighty kindness and mercy on us.
We all face struggles and challenges in life. However, we are able to navigate the choppy waves thanks to God’s mercy and grace. The most effective thing you can do to transform your life is to have faith in God and be grateful for all of his benefits.
Hope these inspirational God’s mercy quotes will encourage you to instill your faith and hope in God and his powers.
“God blesses us with new grace and mercy every day.”
“God’s mercy is fresh and new every morning.”
“Grace is when God gives us good things that we don’t deserve. Mercy is when He spares us from bad things we deserve. Blessings are when He is generous with both. God is good all the time!”
“Your sin is not greater than God’s mercy.”
“God’s mercy is bigger than your mistakes.”
“It is God’s mercy that change our hearts from hearts of stone to hearts of flesh.”
“I believe in God not because my parents told me, not because the church told me, but because I’ve experienced His goodness and mercy myself.”
“No one is strong in his own strength, but he is safe by the grace and mercy of God.”
“God’s mercy and grace give me hope, for myself, and for our world.”
“God’s mercy is so great that you may sooner drain the sea of its water, or deprive the sun of its light, or make space too narrow, than diminish the great mercy of God.”
“God’s grace is immeasurable, His mercy is inexhaustible, His peace is inexpressible.”
“Grace is when God gives us what we don’t deserve. Mercy is when God doesn’t give us what we do deserve.”
“God is always waiting for us. He never grows tired. Jesus shows us this merciful patience of God so that we can regain confidence and hope — always!”
“Judgement, anger, resentment and any other ‘negative’ emotion are in our lives to help remind us of the depth, beauty, wisdom and fullness of God’s mercy.”
“Mercy is God’s favor that holds back from us what we deserve. Grace is God’s favor that gives us what we do not deserve.”
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